Role Models: Keepin’ it Close to Home

Who were your role models when you were growing up? Famous athlete or celebrity? Do you still have role models? Did you find yourself learning very much from them?

Social media now brings us closer to those famous role models many often look up to, but with them being in the spot light and your only ‘link’ to them is through social media, how well do you really know them? Social media is such a limited picture and often skewed drastically.

Not to discount those celebrities and athletes that are amazing human beings and great role models, but I suggest a different approach. Find role models much closer to home. I like to call it my “advisory committee.” There is a small group 4 individuals I have grown up with admiring them and learning from them each day. Every one brings something different to the table and all have been successful in their own respected areas. Being able to see these role models in their daily lives, not on a cover of a gossip magazine or on a Facebook newsfeed has brought me some great life lessons.

Picture this, you are in class and the professor gives you a book to read but says you can only read the odd number pages. Do you think this will help you learn the subject very effectively? You’ll be missing half of the story.

Think about what you consider success, look for role models that have the life experiences and lessons you want to learn. Then take’em to lunch. Spend time with them however it fits. Do they have a big project they are working on, need help moving, or a hand unloading something? Jump right in and help out. Just by spending quality time with them you will learn what it really takes to be successful. Sprinkle in a few questions and asking advice and you are on your way.

Keeping it close to home and get the full story.

To my role models that read this, thank you!

PS I’m always up for a project!