My 2015 New Year’s Resolution Started in July 2014

July 2014 I had a realization. I suddenly noticed that I had fallen out of shape, err well into a different shape. Round is a shape right? Who’s with me??

Well I took a new approach to getting my fitness on. I have shared my plan with a few others and they have already put it into practice. They too are seeing results.So here it is…step one.

Rather than focus on “getting back in shape” or losing a set number of pounds I turned my focus to habits. I read the book “The Power of Habit” and thought to myself, what better time to give what I learned a try. My goal for getting back into shape was to develop the habits of a healthy lifestyle. A lifestyle where fitness was a first thought, not second, or an after thought.

I began using an accountability calendar. It is nothing special or fancy, however it does work some magic. It’s just a calendar I picked up at the local store. Plain Jane calendar. Now here is how to turn it into a magical habit forming tool.

I hung it on the wall right next to the bathroom sink, so there was no way I would overlook it. Every morning and every night when I am standing there brushing my teeth (for the recommended 3 minutes ahem) I have nothing to look at but this calendar.

Every day I worked out, whether it be running, biking, or lifting weights, I would take a bright green marker and place a large X over that day. No small pen, pencil, or writing the activity. I didn’t care what it was, I just wanted to do something. When the calendar would fill up with lots of X’s I would sing praise to myself for doing such a good job. A calendar was patting me on the back for being consistent in exercising!

What about the flip side? When I slacked off and didn’t have very many X’s on there, I would hang my head in disappointment and as I brushed my teeth I was held accountable. It was clear I slacked off and clear what I needed to do. Put X’s on that dang calendar so it would stop judging me while I brushed my teeth!!!

Something as little as a calendar filled or not filled with an X can motivate you! You don’t need the Army drill sergeant yelling at you.

accountability calendar

So why didn’t I care what activity I did each day?  My goal was to create a habit of fitness, not to see a specific number when I step on the scale or be able to bench press 2 times my body weight. I wanted working out each day to become my new norm, my default setting. I wanted to be able to hear the alarm clock and get out of bed on autopilot and just workout.

My focus was on the consistency and habit development. There comes a magical point where it does flip and the challenge of getting up is easy and when you do slack off you know it right away. You immediately wish you had just got your butt out of bed! Think of forming the habit like riding a bike up a steep hill. Struggle, struggle, push, push, and then you reach the top. It’s all fun and downhill from there.

That is how the fitness works. If you create the habit, the weight loss, strength gain, and lifestyle you seek will fall into place.

There are a few more mind hacks I will be touching on in follow up posts so sign up or check back. Things such as ways to set yourself up for success, specifics for working out, ways to stay motivated during your workouts, and the hardest part for me….healthy eating!

Do you have a way you use an accountability calendar that you would share? Plenty of room in the comments below. #GetFit