Lambi Learns About Addiction: A Dialogue on Addiction, Family, and Recovery

In the realm of substance misuse and addiction, seldom do we hear voices that softly, yet powerfully, resonate with the youngest victims - children.

The journey of "Lambi Learns About Addiction: A Book About Prevention," as introduced by Trish Luna, is a beacon of hope that addresses this very concern, offering solace and understanding to children navigating through the shadows of addiction within their families.

Listen to my conversation with Trish Luna:

The Genesis of "Lambi"

Born out of necessity and fueled by personal experience, Trish Luna embarked on a mission that many would shy away from. Addressing addiction and its profound impact on children is a daunting task, yet necessary. Trish's narrative began with her own family's battle against addiction. It's a narrative that spans decades, witnessing the cascading effects of addiction not just on the individuals struggling but also on the innocent bystanders - the children.

"Lambi Learns" is more than a story; it's a lifeline thrown to children grappling with the realities of substance use disorder within their families. We embark on this extraordinary journey that transcends the mere storytelling of a speaker and author. Instead, it plunges into the heart of advocacy and empowerment for the most vulnerable.

The Story Behind the Story

In an emotionally charged dialogue between Trish and Dave, the origins of "Lambi Learns" were revealed, painting a vivid picture of Trish's motivation rooted in personal strife and societal stigma. The story traces back to Trish's first-hand experiences with her children's father struggling with substance use disorder. The lack of resources and societal support back in the mid-eighties left Trish and her children in a disheartening solitude, battling not just addiction but the crushing weight of judgment and isolation.

It was through this turmoil that the concept of "Lambi Learns" was born. Initially conceived as "My Daddy Has a Problem," it faced a challenge, the very stigma Trish aimed to dismantle. Yet, the undeterred spirit and the desperate need to fill this void for children kept the dream alive, adapting over the years into what now is "Lambi Learns."

The Impact of "Lambi Learns"

Idealized as a simple story, "Lambi Learns" transcends its pages by opening avenues for conversation, understanding, and healing. This book is not just a tool for children but a resource for parents, educators, and anyone who finds themselves as guardians of these young souls. The book, filled with poignant rhymes and vivid illustrations, gently guides its readers through the complexities of addiction, making the indescribable manageable through empathy and education.

The Power of Conversations

At the core of "Lambi Learns" is the power of conversation - an element that turns tragedies into opportunities for understanding and healing. Through open, honest dialogue, the book aims to mend the broken antennas of children affected by addiction, offering them a narrative that acknowledges their pain and offers a glimmer of hope. It’s a gentle nudge towards a world where addiction is seen not with judgmental eyes but with understanding and compassion.

Join the Movement

"Lambi Learns" is more than a book; it's a movement towards creating safer spaces for conversations that matter. It's a testament to the fact that healing begins with acknowledging and speaking about our struggles. Trish, through her own journey of pain and healing, has laid down a path for countless others to follow, making “Lambi Learns” a significant step towards a future where children find their voices in the stories they read.

"Lambi Learns" stands as a monumental effort in the fight against substance use disorder, shifting the narrative from stigma to support. As Trish continues to weave her magic through words and advocacy, let us join her in this endeavor, embracing the power of storytelling and conversation in healing wounds and bridging divides.

Your participation, support, and willingness to engage in this conversation can indeed change lives, one story at a time. "Lambi Learns" is not just for children overcoming the shadows of addiction but for anyone who believes in the transformative power of love, understanding, and empathy.

You can watch my conversation with Trish here:

Resources Mentioned:


Susie [수지] Reece: Confronting Suicide with Hope and Advocacy


The School of Hard Talks: Transforming Family Conversations